Be a peermentor
Through one-on-one and group meetings, Peer Mentors will be a knowledgeable guide for students at local autism centers; a thoughtful facilitator who provides access to students and resources while ultimately serving as a role model and advocate. Reach out to your local autism center and learn how you can change lives by becoming a Peer Mentor today.
Do you love the excitement of Music Festivals? Ever want to be part of the magic of entertainment? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of people living with Autism? If you said yes to all of these there's a place on the Rock Out Autism team for you!
Want to use your Talents to change lives? Contact us about performing at a Rock Out Autism live event or at different autism centers across the country. Rock Out Autism is dedicated to bringing live entertainment to local Autism Centers all throughout the country!
By becoming a Rock Out Autism Corporate Sponsor, your company or organization is helping to improve the lives of people living with autism. Our dedicated staff works with you to enable a customized experience that meets your philanthropic and marketing goals.
Rock Out Autism can't survive without the generosity of our most gracious supporters. Your donation will go towards technologies and tools to help children and young adults in learning environments. Donate today to support our mission!